
Paying taxes ‘secures the future of your business’

It was one of the few days when taxpayers made merry and basked in honour before the Head of State for their role towards national development. The day was Saturday November 2, when the Rwanda Revenue Authority recognised firms and individuals who don’t need prompting before giving Caesar his due. Others were awarded for encouraging and sensitising taxpayers to look at complying with tax guidelines as a collective responsibility and a way of partnering with the state in national development.Business Times’ Ben Gasore caught up with some of the firms and individuals who were recognised by the taxman and shared with us about what inspires them to ‘part’ with their hard-earned cash without batting an eyelid.
MTN chief executive officer Asante receives the award from Senate president Dr. Jean Damascence Ntawukuliryayo. The New Times / Village Urugwiro
MTN chief executive officer Asante receives the award from Senate president Dr. Jean Damascence Ntawukuliryayo. The New Times / Village Urugwiro
Ben Gasore