The things we do for love - Part II

I’m sure you’ve read a piece I’ve written expressing my view that we men will go to crazy lengths to advertise our ‘special-ness’ to the women that we are trying to attract. I’ve personally started hitting the gym and stopped drinking beer because I want to have a six-pack for the first time in my life. And let me tell you ladies out there, a six-pack is of no use to us men…the only reason that we guys might have one is because we know that you, ladies, have an inexplicable love for the legendary ‘washboard’ stomach. So, whenever you see a guy causing himself such pain (trust me, sit ups aren’t anybody’s cup of tea) know that he’s trying to get into someone’s panties. But sometimes the washboard stomach doesn’t work quite the magic it is supposed to…and drastic measures have to be applied; all in the hope that the lady of your desires will give you the time of day.
The New Times
Times Reporter