Editor, This is in response to the story, “MP’s report on Congo released,” (The New Times, March 6).Belgium initiated and supported massacres in Rwanda since 1959. Please read “Une Mission au Rwanda” by Colonel Logeist for all confirmation and details.If you are faint-hearted, please do not attempt to read the “The Scramble of Africa”. The atrocities committed by King Leopold are recorded in details.In 1990, Belgium was the first country to send troops to Rwanda to prop up the murderous regime that was massacring its citizens in Mutara, Bugesera et cetera. So much for inhumanity!On their economic plan, who does not know that from 1950 to 1994, Belgian companies were mining coltan and exporting tin? Every Rwandan should know what Belgium is up to.Here is honest advice: “Keep them near you at your own peril”.Danny, Nairobi, Kenya