Fashion: Cutting off your long locks

Short hair is all the rage There was a time when women with short hair or bald heads were called ‘Tom Boys’ but now the style is considered classic and graceful to many women and girls. According to a mini survey conducted in Kigali city recently, it seemed to me that there is more than one reason woman opt for short hair. Lots of women told me that short hair gives then youthful and chic look; others confessed that they are being influenced by the western celebrities.
Trend setters: Clockwise from top left: Naomi Campbell, Rihana, Mary Gahonzire, Katie Holmes, Aisa Kirabo, Catie
Trend setters: Clockwise from top left: Naomi Campbell, Rihana, Mary Gahonzire, Katie Holmes, Aisa Kirabo, Catie
Times Reporter