
Nature or nurture: the rise of budding entrepreneurs

In my previous article, I have talked about the potentially transformative force of youth and, in particular, university entrepreneurship for Rwanda’s economy.  All too often, however, such arguments become vulnerable without concrete examples of young people actually launching and running start-up businesses. Perhaps even more importantly, when showcased, these individuals can provide practical examples and inspiration to scores of other aspiring young entrepreneurs. Idea of bagsGermaine Uwabareze, 24, is the brains behind the dynamic accessories start-up Afribag Ltd.
Marie Christine Gasingirwa(Left) , the Director General for Technology and Research in the Ministry of Education, congratulating Jessie Gakwandi, one of the winners. The New Times / T. Kisambira.
Marie Christine Gasingirwa(Left) , the Director General for Technology and Research in the Ministry of Education, congratulating Jessie Gakwandi, one of the winners. The New Times / T. Kisambira.
Times Reporter