
Fun and responsibility

How did it feel when you finished your last examination paper before the holidays? Holidays are fun because you get to relax and catch up on your sleep. But how long does it last? Do you sometimes get bored with the routine of daily chores, studying abit and missing friends? It is in your best interests to spend the holidays with friends who make a positive impact in your life. There are different types of friends - those who like studying (the book worms), the party hopper and those who just like being indoors – very unsocial!  Partying is not bad as long as you associate with the right parties! What kind of party you are at, the people you re with, the stuff at the party should all be taken into serious consideration!  Friends who love alcohol or smoke tobacco and the like are a no go area.
Responsibility includes service to others and the community. Net photo.
Responsibility includes service to others and the community. Net photo.
Times Reporter