
Q&A: From teaching to juice producer, Daphrose Nyirandikubwimana, leads the way

Pelagie Mbabazi talked to Daphrose Nyirandikubwimana, the Vice-Chairperson of the Cooperative de Valorization des Fruits de Gakenke (COVAFGA). Below are excerpts from the interview Briefly tell us about yourself? I was born in 1959 in Gakenke District. I am the second born in a family of four girls and four boys from the family of the late Stanislas Iyamuremye and Budeciana Nyiramagorwa I attended primary school in Gakenke and my secondary school in Rwaza and Muramba where I completed in 1977.
Nyirandikubwimana speaks to New Times. The New Times / Pelagie Mbabazi.
Nyirandikubwimana speaks to New Times. The New Times / Pelagie Mbabazi.
Times Reporter