
MININFRA: Sun shine – How can we use it at night?

Solar Energy is one of the main sectors of renewable energy and has enjoyed extensive development in the world. The sun is the very basis of the existence of life on our planet. It is the driving force behind other sources of energy such as: wind, biomass or hydro. On industrial level solar energy systems have been developed in recent decades for thermal and electric applications. Through solar collectors hot water can be generated or agricultural products can be dried. But sunlight can also be transformed into electrical energy through solar photocell systems.
The biggest solar plant in Africa to date is located on the outskirts of Kigali on Mount Jali and delivers 250 KW to our national grid
The biggest solar plant in Africa to date is located on the outskirts of Kigali on Mount Jali and delivers 250 KW to our national grid
Times Reporter