
Know about varicose veins

VARICOSE veins are a chronic condition causing much pain and discomfort in the legs of the affected person. In this condition, the veins of the lower limb become dilated and tortuous, resulting in many problems.Veins bring impure blood back to the heart, from the entire body.   Those of the legs have to pump blood towards the heart against gravity. This   occurs through contraction of the muscles of the leg and the valves located in the walls of the veins which prevent back flow of blood. As such varicosity of the veins can develop at any age but chances increase with advancing age. Women are more affected than men, because of the fragility of the walls of the veins.  Due to this, upward blood flow does not occur smoothly. Resulting pressure on the veins makes them dilated and ungainly.
The New Times
Dr. Rachna Pande