
Alcohol consumption has dire psychological and physical health effects when uncontrolled. Net photo.

Drinking alcohol is an age old tradition about which, some would argue that it shaped recreation, as we know it today; while others would counter this statement by saying, it has aided the decomposition of the very fabric of society. Alcohol dates back to Biblical times, with the earliest recorded alcoholic encounter being Noah’s inebriation in the Book of Genesis. Even then, due to the effects of this intoxicating beverage, Noah stripped himself naked and passed out in his tent to the horror of his children.  The effects of alcoholism among individuals and in society in general are very evident, yet it is still a persistent problem in our society.  Jeff, a former Kigali socialite who prefers anonymity, narrates of how his close relationship with the bottle turned him into a public disgrace.
Alcohol consumption has dire psychological and physical health effects when uncontrolled. Net photo.
Alcohol consumption has dire psychological and physical health effects when uncontrolled. Net photo.
Times Reporter