
A tale of too many lies

Some people say kids don’t lie. Others say they do but only when they have to. Others say if they do, there is still a bit of truth to it. Which is it? Mutoni (not real name) is a child who has, what I call, an imagination gone wild. Okay, so you all understand imaginary friends, right? But this child took her imagination to another level - giving anyone who cared to listen a glimpse into her imaginary life! She works extremely hard to captivate her audience. I’m guessing she didn’t want to be left out of an adult conversation and therefore took a shot whenever an opportunity presented itself. If she’s not talking about the vacations she’s had in Hawaii, it’s the two Chihuahuas’ and one bulldog she has at home. Did I mention she’s only seven? Quite the entertainer that one, even if it means making up stories!
The effort to connect will pay off and theyu2019ll feel understood, safe and loved. Net photo.
The effort to connect will pay off and they’ll feel understood, safe and loved. Net photo.
Times Reporter