
Teaching kids self discipline is fundamental

Hectic schedules, high tech gadgets, and a culture of proximity make it harder for today’s parents to install some level of self discipline in their children. From what I see everyday, kids these days wait for no one and nothing. Parents try to convince themselves that they are brewing self discipline in their kids but eventually, their frustration levels rise. If you know kids then you will know that children have never been particularly patient. This makes self control a learned skill – something they achieve along the way. However, the changes in culture and most will add, influence of the West, have created a generation of kids used to getting what they want WHEN they want it.
Children have limited experience with delayed gratification because their lives are saturated with technology such as TV and the Internet. Net photo. Net photo.
Children have limited experience with delayed gratification because their lives are saturated with technology such as TV and the Internet. Net photo. Net photo.
Times Reporter