Man handed 30 years for operating underage sex ring

GASABO - A court in Gasabo District has convicted and sentenced a 44-year-old man to 30 years in prison for promoting underage prostitution. Mustafa Munyawera was accused by parents of luring their young girls from various secondary schools into prostitution. Excitement gripped the courtroom after the judgment was pronounced. “I am happy because justice has prevailed. This man is a monster,” Jolly Mutamba, a parent of one of the girls said. She suspects Munyawera could have been in league with others still at large.
Mustafa Munyawera : Handed 30 years for luring underage into prostitution. (Photo/ J. Mbanda)
Mustafa Munyawera : Handed 30 years for luring underage into prostitution. (Photo/ J. Mbanda)
Times Reporter