
First Lady shares Umuganda experience in Uganda

“I can’t believe this because I am very happy today seeing two first ladies of Rwanda and Uganda, it’s a dream come true and I can’t believe this,” said a happy Jonan Gumisiriza, head boy of Itojo Central Primary School in Ruhama sub- county, Ntugamo district.
First Lady Jeannette Kagame (R) together with her Ugandan counterpart Janet Museveni, during the Umuganda at Itojo Primary School in Western Uganda. See story on page 3. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.
First Lady Jeannette Kagame (R) together with her Ugandan counterpart Janet Museveni, during the Umuganda at Itojo Primary School in Western Uganda. See story on page 3. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.
Times Reporter