
‘I gave up school for my little sisters’

After the horrific experiences that the children and survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi went through, resettling back into the communities was very challenging. Philomene Kantengwa was born in 1980, in Nyanza District is a daughter of the Late Feinas Bapfakurera and Late Fortune Mukankusi. She was 14 years during the 1994 Genocide where she lost two siblings out of six, and both parents.
Philomene Kantengwa ( L) with her two other siblings at the home they where given by Solace Ministries sponsors.The New Times / D. Umutesi
Philomene Kantengwa ( L) with her two other siblings at the home they where given by Solace Ministries sponsors.The New Times / D. Umutesi
Doreen Umutesi