What I did at the science fair

“I did a water cycle project to show people the stages that water goes through and the results like evaporation, condensation, transpiration and above all how we get rain. Kenny Ntwali 9, P.4
Top row (L-R):Kenny Ntwali,Victor Shyake Kaberuka,Noah Masozera Cyeza, Sarah Rulisa  Bottom row (L-R): Eunice Karinigufu,Daniella Umubyeyi,Armella Saro Ruganintwali,Briar Mutabaruka
Top row (L-R):Kenny Ntwali,Victor Shyake Kaberuka,Noah Masozera Cyeza, Sarah Rulisa Bottom row (L-R): Eunice Karinigufu,Daniella Umubyeyi,Armella Saro Ruganintwali,Briar Mutabaruka
Times Reporter