It is indeed timely and appropriate to think about the next goal for Rwanda as we undergo arguably the most remarkable socio-economic transformation in Africa’s history. It is both timely and appropriate because as we march forward, we should be clear as to the kind of “buzz” we want to create for Rwanda.Buzz can refer to marketing buzz, hype or glitz, where people talk about a product and word spreads. This kind of buzz can be created by promotional advertisements and tends to fizzle out over time. Or we could be talking about the positive vibes of a place, where the environment is vibrant and exciting, and where people feel energised, engaged and happy. Some call such a place “happening”, “funky” or simply “lively”.Indeed, a buzzing Rwandan economy is necessary to provide us with challenging jobs and good pay. We need economic surpluses to support a vibrant lifestyle beyond work. The immediate prospects for us are bright. Our economy is growing strongly with an average growth rate between 7 and 10 per cent, one of the fastest in the world. Employment in Rwanda has risen. Our vibrant economy today is a far cry from what it was decades ago. The government actively sought out multi-national companies to bring their capital, technology, markets and management to Rwanda. By the 2000s, we were on firmer footing than at any other time in Rwanda’s history. This required strong leadership, political will, thinking ahead, taking risks, team work, a supportive people, sacrifice and hard work to transform the country. The range of sectors and jobs in Rwanda today would have been unimaginable even 10 years ago.This economic buzz did not come about spontaneously. It was created. We built a whole eco-system to make Rwanda home to global and regional institutions – the hard and soft infrastructure, tax incentives, rule of law, pro-business regulatory framework, a great place to live and play, a safe place to raise and educate your children; and importantly, a home where you can have fun – not just a place to work your guts out and make money. But, if making money is your cup of tea, welcome to Rwanda.There is no doubt that a strong economy will give us the resources to develop the environment for a vibrant lifestyle. One that is lively and exciting, where there are activities and facilities to engage and interest Rwandans and non-Rwandans, where we can enjoy a comfortable, rounded and satisfying life. But, in order to sustain this buzz, Rwanda will continuously have to reinvent the economy so as to keep up with the ever changing global business environment. Our long term prospects are bright, so long as we keep on upgrading our own skills and knowledgeOf course, it is important to have good work-life balance so that our country of buzz is a home as well. If there is no buzz in the home, all our work in creating a Rwanda buzz will be counter-productive. I hope Rwandans will choose a lifestyle with family and home at its core.For if we focus only on a lifestyle of making money and enjoying life, we will just be a materialistic, pleasure-loving society – nothing distinctive, nothing to be proud of. Without a home, without a sense of belonging and commitment, without loyalty and engagement, without a moral compass and sound values, we will be a selfish, shallow society, and will not last. We need a vibrant citizenry, and Rwandans who are willing to participate in civil society, who are willing to give back and help each other, who are gracious and compassionate, who want to make Rwanda better and not just live off Rwanda.I believe that we already have the Rwanda buzz. My question is: can we sustain it or will it end up as just fizz, like the fizz in carbonated soft drinks? Can we be sure that the Rwanda buzz will not fizzle out?