When it comes to fashion, men have a lot more choice than they often realise. Stripes, spots, and patterns can do wonders to the rather conventional shirt/tie combo. However, it’s not just a question of throwing things together. A little more coordination is required. Many of you will have figured it out by trial and error. Others will be making dreadful fashion faux pas on a daily basis. Two similar patterns To achieve a natural and smooth transition between the two similar patterns look, the art is to have different scales for the two same design patterns. Beginning with stripe patterns, mixing two similar stripes patterns boils down to the size of the stripes as well as the spacing between stripes. These two factors should be as different as possible. If two small size stripes are put together, the effect can create quite a bit of tension between them. When having two different stripes yet with similar spacing makes it difficult to put the attention on either stripe. For example, when different stripe shirts are matched with a pink stripe tie, the transition between the pink stripe tie and stripe shirt varies. The pink stripe tie against a pink hairline shirt does not give public eyes the illusion of tension. Because of the two types of stripes are differently scaled giving a compatible transition between them. Instead this other combination of the same pink stripe tie with a closely scaled and spaced shirt creates a lot more vibration. For the overall best effect on men’s fashion dress style, mixing two similar patterns boils down to the concept of using two designs with different scales and different spacing. This applies for suit against shirt, shirt against tie, or even suit against tie. Two different patterns This continues to involve scales of the patterns and size of the patterns. However, the concept of this matching differs from that of two similar patterns. Some examples of matching two different patterns are check suits and stripe ties or dress shirts, stripe dress shirts and polka-dot ties, as well as plaid suits and foulard ties. The focus when doing such combination is to understand which one is the first pattern and which is the second. Naturally, the first pattern is usually the one that takes up most of your body and the second should be the one creating the accent. Avoid having the second pattern overwhelming the first. And also maintain good colour coordination between the second pattern against the first pattern. When in doubt, it is safe to have colours of the same shade or similar shade from both patterns. Three different patterns Most men consider coordinating three different patterns as the most difficult. But it is also the most sartorial style to achieve if successfully done. Scaling between the patterns is very important when involving mixing three patterns where all are different. Whenever there is involvement of larger patterns starting out from the suit, the choice of the other patterns should naturally be preferred to be of the same scale. Keeping the scaling consistent between the patterns gives any man a safe choice when mixing three different patterns. Notice that the sizes of patterns are all large and their spacing against one another is consistent. This gives an overall nice sartorial balance for the wearer. None of the patterns overwhelm the other and looks very natural in coordination. Further using similar shade colour coordination between the three patterns makes the blend well-balanced and enhances the classiness of the overall combination without making it look too trying. For simplicity in mixing three patterns where all are different, it is always good to play around with different scales between the patterns when one of them is smaller scaled or spaced. Mixing patterns is an unlimited combinations and flexibility in men’s fashion. However, the challenges get more intense when attempting to coordinate three or four different patterns at the same time. To achieve might require a certain level of skill but perhaps attainable through various trials or error. The capability to ascertain and visualise the art of mixing patterns becomes better with each successful or erroneous combination; practice makes perfect! But the problem with combining similar patterns or different patterns is that there is always a chance of ending with a crowded or discord look. This happens when the patterns looks congested on the man. To attain a sense of balance between the patterns with a sophisticated appeal without the impression of being too trying to be one, naturalness of personality should be reflective by mixing patterns with style. It is exactly these stylish matching of patterns that catches people’s eyes or at least my eyes. This clearly represents the man knows what he is doing and what he wants. In fact the public will usually have a better impression of a man with good matching sense – a sign of painstaking touch. Contact: eddiemukaaya@yahoo.com