
Mining company contributes to 12-YBE

Burera - The New Bugarama Mining-NBM, a wolfram mining company in Burera District, has contributed over Rwf 2.2 million towards the construction of six classrooms for the 12-Year Basic Education (12-YBE) programme in the area.
A Nine Year Basic Education classroom block: New Bugarama Mining-NBM has contributed over Rwf2.2million for the comptetion of 12YBE at Ecole Primaire-Gitare 11. The New Times / B. Mukombozi
A Nine Year Basic Education classroom block: New Bugarama Mining-NBM has contributed over Rwf2.2million for the comptetion of 12YBE at Ecole Primaire-Gitare 11. The New Times / B. Mukombozi
Times Reporter