Now is the time for high school exams all over the country. Each individual is trying his or her best to get the best possible grades, so that they can find a seat in a good professional college or university. Right here in Rwanda, there is lot of competition. Most of the students work hard and put in sincere effort to do well. However, some waste away their time and are not serious. When exams approach, they become scared of failing and then these students resort to two options: they pretend to be sick and start visiting hospitals with anxious parents or guardians. This gives them an excuse for performing badly in the forthcoming exams. The other option is worse than the former and it is cheating during exams. These students do not realize that unless they know the subject, they are likely to make mistakes even while cheating. Moreover, they expose themselves to the risk of getting punished or even expelled from the school. In the end, a few moments of dishonesty can ruin their entire future.
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Times Reporter