Sunday Sermon : Christian love obliges fraternal correction

The liturgy of the twenty-third Sunday in ordinary time is based on the following readings: Ezekiel 33:7-9; Psalm 95; Romans 13:8-10; Matthew 18:15-20.  The main theme of our liturgy is on the grave responsibility we have toward others; as far as fraternal correction is concerned. When we listen to the words of Prophet Ezekiel today, as he says that the Lord will hold us responsible for the sins of others, if we fail to warn them of their errors, we may be surprised! Perhaps we may feel that it would be unjust on our side, because every body is responsible for his or her acts. But that is what charity, by which we shall be judged, is all about! Our salvation will not depend on how good we are only, but in addition, we shall be asked if we did our best to turn others away from evil ways.
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