The PC Isn’t Dying — It’s Just Evolving

An HP Omnibook, circa 1997. The Omnibook line lasted from 1993 until HP bought Compaq in 2002 On Aug. 12, the IBM PC — the classic machine from which all modern Windows computers descend — turned 30. IBM’s Mark Dean, who helped engineer the original PC, commemorated the anniversary by congratulating his company for having abandoned the PC business back in 2005. He declared that we live in a “post-PC era” and said his main machine now is a tablet. Some celebration!
An HP Omnibook, circa 1997. The Omnibook line lasted from 1993 until HP bought Compaq in 2002/ Net photo
An HP Omnibook, circa 1997. The Omnibook line lasted from 1993 until HP bought Compaq in 2002/ Net photo
Times Reporter