Weekly Review

Parliament goes into recess The Chamber of Deputies on Thursday week ended its second ordinary session as MPs go on a month-long break. Rose Mukantabana, the Speaker, was cheerful as she highlighted achievements in the past few months.She thanked the lawmakers for what had been accomplished and urged them to build on the achievements to attain even more, for the country.
Minister for Cabinet Affairs Protais Musoni (L) chats with Speaker of the Lower chamber Rose Mukantabana (C) and Deputy Speaker Denis Polisi at Parliament on Tuesday when he tabled a bill on access to information. The New Times /John Mbanda
Minister for Cabinet Affairs Protais Musoni (L) chats with Speaker of the Lower chamber Rose Mukantabana (C) and Deputy Speaker Denis Polisi at Parliament on Tuesday when he tabled a bill on access to information. The New Times /John Mbanda
Times Reporter