
RICP unveils activity report

The Rwanda Investment Climate Project (RICP) yesterday formally handed over its output from the implementing units to the respective institutions after three years.During its tenure RICP aimed at putting up institutional framework by establishing a commercial court system, improving land title issuance and land registration and supporting the creation of a new commercial registration service agency.
Minister Francois Kanimba (2 right) hands documents to Deputy Chief Justice Prof. Sam Rugege at the hand over ceremony of RICP outputs to respective institutions. Looking on are ICF co-chair Neville Isdell (L) and ICF CEO Omar Issa. (Photo by J Mbanda)
Minister Francois Kanimba (2 right) hands documents to Deputy Chief Justice Prof. Sam Rugege at the hand over ceremony of RICP outputs to respective institutions. Looking on are ICF co-chair Neville Isdell (L) and ICF CEO Omar Issa. (Photo by J Mbanda)
Times Reporter