Dear Editor, The City Council or whoever else is in charge should identify more areas along the city roads that need extra taxi stages. If you reside in Kigali, you know what I am talking about. You are rushing to get to your place of work on time, and to your disappointment, the taxi takes you an extra half kilometre, just to leave you at the taxi stage. For example, for people who live in Kabagare in Kacyiru, after MINAGRI stage, the next stop is at Ministeri. In between is the OBECA building that houses so many government offices, and of course a whole residential area in the name of Kabagare. All these people have to pass their preferred stage at OBEKA and go all the way to Ministeri, only to walk back. After Ministeri on the way to Nyabugogo, the next stage is at Police. Yet in between are many business places, including a dispensary. I am sure there are many other even better examples of far-between stages that greatly inconvenience the public. Something should be done. I may understand the inconvenience of so many stages, but some areas really need one, if we believe in better conditions for the citizens. Kacyiru