
FINA Bank offers free medical cover

KARONGI- In a bid to improve the health status of the local population, FINA Bank is undertaking a countrywide campaign to offer free medical insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) to over 400 underprivileged families.According to Rosine Ushinzwimpundu, who is in charge of Cooperate Social Responsibility at the bank, the campaign is part of their customary culture of giving back to the society.
FINA bank Karongi Branch manager Chaste Nyilinkindi handing over a Mutuelle card to one of the beneficiaries (photo S Nkurunziza).
FINA bank Karongi Branch manager Chaste Nyilinkindi handing over a Mutuelle card to one of the beneficiaries (photo S Nkurunziza).
Times Reporter