
Judicial officers urged to uphold ethics

KARONGI- Judges, prosecutors and other court officials were, yesterday, called upon to display maximum ethical standards by ensuring that the legitimate expectations and aspirations of the people are met.Addressing the officials in Karongi District, High Court president, Johnston Busingye, warned them against corruption and professional misconduct.
High Court President Johnston Busingye speaking to Prosecutor Fiacre Nyamuhenda and Karongi 7-1 DPC Gilbert Ruhorahoza shortly after meeting Karongi court officials (Photo S. Nkurunziza)
High Court President Johnston Busingye speaking to Prosecutor Fiacre Nyamuhenda and Karongi 7-1 DPC Gilbert Ruhorahoza shortly after meeting Karongi court officials (Photo S. Nkurunziza)
Times Reporter