Name: Stephen Nyabwa Date of birth: October, 15, 1984 Hometown: Nairobi Nyabwa is a charismatic, young God fearing accountant and would like to be remembered as a great influence on others. He auditioned for TPF because he believes that it is a medium that will take him to the next level in his music and provide with the avenue to actualise his dreams of greatness. Name: Prudence Kibaya Date of birth: July, 9, 1988 Hometown: Mombasa Kibaya is a bubbly student of Broadcast journalism with a palpable interest in rock, neo soul, RnB and country music genres. She is no stranger to TPF having auditioned in last year’s edition but did not advance as she did her audition with her eyes closed. She was back this year and her “Yes” from Judge Ian is one of her memorable moments so far. Name: Juvenalis Ochieng Amonde Date of birth: May, 1, 1986 Hometown: Nakuru Amonde is a former NYS recruit, who started off his musical career performing at public holiday celebrations in his hometown of Nakuru. This year, after attending TPF auditions for the past three years, he finally made it to the Academy and ultimately lists it as his greatest achievement to date. Name: Amileena Mwenesi Date of birth: March, 6, 1988 Hometown: Nairobi The composed 22-year-old hotelier is a study in self confidence. She auditioned for TPF because she sees it as an avenue to re-work and perfect her singing; one of her happiest memories is making it to TPF’s Top 18. Ends