What is orbital debris in the planet Earth’s atmosphere?

Orbital debris is any man-made object in orbit above the Earth which no longer serves a useful purpose. Derelict spacecraft and upper stages of launch vehicles, carriers for multiple payloads, debris intentionally released during spacecraft separation from its launch vehicle or during mission operations, debris created as a result of spacecraft or upper stage explosions or collisions, solid rocket motor particles, and tiny flecks of paint released by thermal stress or small particles created after collision impacts.
L-R : The 250 kg stainless steel structure main propellant tank of the second stage of a Delta 2 launch vehicle which landed near Georgetown, TX, on 22 January 1997 ; A titanium motor casing weighing about 70 kg, landed in Saudi Arabia about 240 km from t
L-R : The 250 kg stainless steel structure main propellant tank of the second stage of a Delta 2 launch vehicle which landed near Georgetown, TX, on 22 January 1997 ; A titanium motor casing weighing about 70 kg, landed in Saudi Arabia about 240 km from t
Times Reporter