The world is full of delightful tasty dishes for satisfying hunger and one’s taste buds. When the food eaten is relished, it is absorbed in the body and supplies necessary nutrients. But in spite of the wide variety of cuisine available world over, few people take to eating non edible items like clay, mud, paint, e.t.c. This perversion is called, “pica”. Some people may eat edible items in large inappropriate amounts but in form which is not edible, eg. raw flour, e.t.c. Some workers include this also as pica. Pica can occur in any age in both genders. But it is said to occur more in women of reproductive age groups, particularly during pregnancy. Studies show it to be more in women of the poorer sections of the society, but it is not uncommon in ladies of well to do families also. Similarly men also suffer from this perversion. Why does one have pica, why does somebody have the craving to eat a non edible item, there are various theories for it. It is said to be a sign of mineral deficiency, particularly iron deficiency. Women during pregnancy have increased demand for iron. This if not fulfilled by means of diet and nutritional supplements, induces anemia and pica. Similarly, calcium deficiency can also cause pica. Some toddlers start eating mud or lime innocently and this may form a habit, unless corrected, as they grow up.In some individuals pica is manifestation of range of psychiatric disorders where an individual behaves abnormally by all means. Some elderly persons may have this disorder if they suffer from senile dementia due to aging. I remember an elderly lady who had started eating clothes in the house and family members were very anxious about it. Any traumatic event like separation of parents, loss of job or a loved one can induce abnormal eating habits in some weak minded persons. But to be called as pica, the abnormality has to persist for more than a month. The range of substances eaten by these aberrant individuals is wide. Common ones are mud, clay and lime used on walls. But people are known to eat paint, laundry starch, and rubbers, and paper, lead of pencils, e.t.c. and even fecal matter in rare cases. There are many harmful effects of pica and beneficial effect nil. First is the risk of developing malnutrition because none of these substances are going to provide even a grain of nutrition. These kind of inedible substances induce sense of bloating in the abdomen and hence prevent intake of any nutritious substance thus aggravating malnutrition.. Along with intake of mud and clay one also consumes lots of germs causing diarrheal diseases, worm infestations, typhoid fever and host of infectious diseases. The habit being chronic in nature, a person starts getting repetitive and chronic infections. Thus half of his time and money would be spent in visiting hospitals and buying medicines. High carbohydrate content of laundry starch can cause much abdominal discomfort. Lead consumed in lead containing substances like ink or pencils carries risk of lead poisoning. This manifests as bluish discoloration of gums, sterility and cancers. The list of toxic effects produced by eating non edible items is endless. Treatment consists of treating the possible cause. In case of iron deficiency, iron supplements given over a time, cure the problem. Adults having pica need extensive counseling. Activities are necessary for them to keep them occupied. This would take their minds off from the craving to eat non edible items. Those who develop pica due to depression benefit much from counseling and antidepressant drugs. Young children need to be monitored so that they do not develop the habit of eating mud or clay. If they comply receiving a reward for same, is an incentive for them to give up the habit totally. Nutritional supplements are useful for all people suffering from pica, while they are trying to give up the habit. E-mail –