Official warns residents against ‘bankrupt’ politicians

GICUMBI – The Northern Province Executive Secretary, Deo Kabagambe, has said past regimes carried out systematic killings of the Tutsi because of bad governance. While officiating at the closure of Gicumbi district genocide commemoration week in Byumba Sector, yesterday, Kabagambe said, “The past regimes failed to meet Rwandan’s socio-economic needs and resorted to diverting peoples’ attention by preaching empty politics of ethnic cleansing.”
Gicumbi Mayor Bonane Nyangezi and Deo Kabagamba pay respect to genocide victims laid to rest in Nyarurarama cell. (Photo: A. Gahene)
Gicumbi Mayor Bonane Nyangezi and Deo Kabagamba pay respect to genocide victims laid to rest in Nyarurarama cell. (Photo: A. Gahene)
Times Reporter