A Cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame at Urugwiro Village, yesterday appointed Eugene Kayihura as Rwanda’s Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea. It also appointed Maj. Daniel Nyamwasa the head of the Rwanda National Police Hospital at a rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police. Jackson Serudodo, was appointed the Head of Internal Resources Management Unit in Rwanda Coffee Office (OCIR-CAFÉ) while Augustine Turatsinze was appointed the Secretary General of the Superior Council of Prosecution. Among other things, Cabinet also approved the draft law creating and organising condominiums and setting up procedures for their registration. Also approved by the cabinet was the draft law governing the establishment, organization and functioning of a credit information system in Rwanda and the draft law relating to electronic messages, electronic signatures and electronic transactions. The law governing the central securities depositary, the holding and circulation of book entry Securities and the Draft law relating to Rwanda tourism industry bill as well as the national tourism policy to put in place a tourism master plan were also approved by cabinet. The meeting also agreed that National Women’s day celebrations be held at the village level on March 8, subsequently declaring it a public holiday. Ends