Kayonza best performing school lucks dormitories

KAYONZA - Kayonza modern secondary school that was recently named the best performing school in the Eastern Province, and the third in nationally , is in dire need of student’s dormitories. The headmaster of the school, Stephen Rwamurangwa, told The New Times that lack of basic amenities such as dormitories has not hampered their pursuit for excellence.He however, expressed optimism that the school will build new dormitories in the near future.
JMV Makombe(L) and headmaster  Stephen Rwamurangwa (R) inpecting the girlsu2019 dormitory at the school. (Photo / S. Rwembeho)
JMV Makombe(L) and headmaster Stephen Rwamurangwa (R) inpecting the girls’ dormitory at the school. (Photo / S. Rwembeho)
Stephen Rwembeho