
16 get free heart surgery at KFH

KIGALI - A visiting team of heart specialists from Spokane, in the US, in conjunction with doctors at King Faisal Hospital (KFH) in Kigali, have successfully carried out open heart surgeries on 16 patients in the past one week. This was revealed yesterday by the Acting Chief Executive Officer of KFH, Dr. Alex Butera, during a press conference that was held at the hospital premises. Dr. Harold R. Goldberg, who led the team of 53, explained that the surgeries were mainly done to correct cases of the rheumatic heart disease adding that most patients had their heart valves either repaired or replaced.
Doctors Alex Butera and Harold Goldberg talk to a Heart patient at King Fisal Hospital yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)
Doctors Alex Butera and Harold Goldberg talk to a Heart patient at King Fisal Hospital yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)
Times Reporter