
Kagame wraps up two-day southern tour

SOUTHERN PROVINCE - President Paul Kagame ended his two-day tour of the Southern province with a message of hard work to the local population, together with their leaders if the country is to continue the path of development it has undertaken. The President’s Southern tour was characterised by a series of site visits to development projects mainly in the sector of agriculture. He held meetings with opinion leaders and also took time to listen to issues of the local masses through an open question and answer session in places where he addressed crowds. Like his routine message has been, the President called upon local leaders to get close to the population and effectively solve day-to-day issues that affect their lives.
This nun in Mayaga region was one of the many people who petitioned President Paul Kagame to intervene on their behalf during his tour of the Southern Province.(Photo Urugwiro Village)
This nun in Mayaga region was one of the many people who petitioned President Paul Kagame to intervene on their behalf during his tour of the Southern Province.(Photo Urugwiro Village)
Times Reporter