A language dilemma

A friendly tiff with one of my colleagues at work brought a humorous but complicated dilemma that East Africans are bound to meet. The cause of this tiff was simple. My colleague, having little knowledge of English, but a little more of French, and myself, , with little knowledge of French but more comfortable in English, naturally settle for the more common form of communication in Swahili. For some reason my colleague wanted to introduce a business prospect and naturally, I asked him what language this prospect was more comfortable in, to which he confidently replied, anajua kizungu (he knows the white man’s language).
A vegetable seller on a Burundi highway gesticulates with a customer aboard a bus. Such informal business people will make use of Swahili in transactions with other East Africans (Photo/ Kelvin Odoobo)
A vegetable seller on a Burundi highway gesticulates with a customer aboard a bus. Such informal business people will make use of Swahili in transactions with other East Africans (Photo/ Kelvin Odoobo)
Times Reporter