Prime Minister Bernard Makuza yesterday began a two-day tour of Burera District by participating in the communal construction of six classrooms at Gahunga Secondary School. The classrooms are meant to accommodate students enrolled under the Nine- Years Basic Education (9YBE) program which starts with the next academic year. During the tour, Makuza urged residents to speed up the implementation of land and crop consolidation program, as a way of increasing food and cash production in the area. “You should utilize the favourable climate to turn this region into a food hub which can feed other areas of the country” Makuza said Accompanied by the Minister of Local Government; Christopher Bazivamo, Makuza commended the local development initiatives. After touring different projects, the Premier said that they prove that development is possible if the set targets are approached collectively. Makuza also toured areas of Burwa village on Lake Ruhondo. Ends