Disappointments! The higher one’s age the more disappointments one is exposed to. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Everyone would wish for a life without disappointments at all. A disappointment is an act or failure to act that disappoints someone. Disappointments and life are inseparable, they move hand in hand. It’s often said that God alone never disappoints because even the smartest and best person will disappoint you in one way or the other! It’s not far fetched to say that to err is human. Humans have personal weaknesses and in a bid to fight and cover them up, they end up disappointing many more. Some let downs are intentional while others are not but all the same they hurt. And in a bid to resolve a disappointment, people have gone to extremes. Some hold resentment and revenge as the best solutions. These two have negative consequences to both parties but most times to the one carrying the burden of ill feeling in their heart. “I aborted last year because the guy responsible for my pregnancy had just raped me,” a 19 year old girl is quoted in online journal.Though she thought abortion would be the solution and best way to make up for her disappointment, it has instead haunted her so badly. That’s revenge, it haunts the already disappointed person and the one responsible for starting it all might not even be aware of the turmoil. Resentment and revenge have exposed us to murder, loss of self respect, dealing drugs and being total failures in life yet disappointments can be settled in another way. The smartest way to resolve disappointments is through paying back with good.However complicated it might sound; letting go of your hurt and moving on is the best option.Trying to get even will make the situation tenser, doing good eases hearts. “I spent years insulting my husband about his extra-marital relationship though he never changed. He changed recently after I did my best to show him how much I cared,” says Ruth Nirere. Her husband would never have dropped infidelity if she hadn’t shown him the kind of loving wife she is. It should however not mean that the perpetrator should do so in impunity. Positively attacking a disappointment saves heart breaks, it also shows the power of forgiveness.The way to react positively to disappointments starts with totally accepting that no human is perfect. “It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t trust, all we need to do is have a limit,” says Deodonne Mutara, a counselor. If disappointed, don’t take things to the extreme. Don’t make decisions influenced by the disappointment. Focus on making the responsible people realize their mistake. This can only be done by being better than them. . We can change the world when we positively attack disappointments. Like Pator T.D Jakes say, ‘Let it go.’ Ends