Amid widespread social media speculation, Suzan Murora, Kinyinya Sector’s civil status officer, exclusively confirmed to The New Times that 22-year-old gospel singer Vestine Ishimwe, of the acclaimed duo Vestine and Dorcas, legally married her Burkinabe partner, Ouedraogo Idrissa. UPDATE: Suzan Murora, in charge of Social Affairs in Kinyinya sector, confirmed to The New Times that popular gospel singer Vestine Ishimwe’s civil wedding was held on Wednesday, January 15. READ MORE: — The New Times (Rwanda) (@NewTimesRwanda) January 16, 2025 The civil ceremony occurred on Wednesday, January 15, at 4 PM at the Kinyinya Sector offices in Kigali. The absence of photos or videos from the event fueled doubts among fans, with many questioning the validity of the marriage. However, it has been clarified that the ceremony was intentionally private, with strict restrictions on capturing any visual evidence. ALSO READ: Gospel singer Vestine, Burkinabe lover exchange marriage vows Social media has empowered individuals, but some misuse this influence to discredit mainstream media. Attempts to contact her management for clarification were unsuccessful at the time of publication. The publication obtained a marriage certificate dated January 16, which revealed that Vestine’s husband, born on April 21, 1989, is 14 years older than her—not 20 years as earlier reports claimed.