Joseline Umulisa, a former national tennis team captain, showcased her prowess yet again as she was among those who won trophies at the third edition of the He-for-She Festival Challenge which took place on December 29 at Kicukiro tennis grounds. The tournament featured 40 players competing in four categories. It aimed at celebrating the potential of women in sports while fostering collaboration between genders. In the women veterans’ category, Umulisa partnered with Tarlisse Rutayisire to claim victory in the doubles, while Fidele Kamanzi and Sabrine Shirambe emerged as champions in the men veterans’ category. Meanwhile, the duo of Joseph Bizimana and Carine Nishimwe triumphed in the professional men’s category, as Chantal Mutesi and Babu Rutayisire claimed the top spot in the professional women’s category. ALSO READ: Meet Claude Ishimwe, the tennis prodigy putting Rwanda on the world map Philbert Ndungu, president of Ingenzi Initiative, the tournament’s organising entity, said the contest aims at championing gender balance in the sports field, especially in tennis. “Men and women collaborate side by side, showcasing how capable women are, even in mixed-gender competitions,” he said. He also announced that the next edition of the festival would take place in March 2025 to commemorate International Women’s Day. Silire Kayiranga, a veteran tennis player and recipient of the Best Tournament Supporter trophy, expressed his optimism for the initiative. “Through the He-for-She Festival Challenge, we see the future Serena Williams of Rwanda. This tournament has demonstrated how strong and capable women are, often outshining men in the same field,” he said. For 17-year-old tennis player Rona Tuyishimire, the festival was transformative. “I feel confident about my journey to becoming a professional tennis player. This challenge provides young athletes like me with invaluable experience and support. I truly appreciate the effort to promote and empower women in sports, particularly tennis,” she said.