WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI- The western province intends to return over Rwf 42.2 million allocated to it by treasury, a mini budget execution report has shown. The report of which The New Times has obtained a copy indicates that out of Rfw118.9 million that was allocated to the province between January and May, only Rwf76.7 million was used. According to the report, 51%of the total expenditure was on goods and services while the rest was spent on wages and salaries. Speaking to The New Times shortly after making the report public, Western Province governor Celestin Kabahizi attributed the outcome to a similar closing balance recorded at the end of December last year. “At the end of last year we had over Rwf 54 million that had not been used and it is where we started our expenditures this year,” Kabahizi said. He further explained that the good management of the provincial administration and their campaign against corruption also helped in choosing the priorities which led to the sectoral allocation of resources. Kabahizi dispelled fears that the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) would hold back a similar amount that has been returned in the next half of the year. “I have communicated to BNR and they will give us all the money that the province deserves,” he said. The Province has set an average of Rwf65.9 Million for each of the four quarters of the financial year 2009/2010 and will bring their annual expenditure to close to Rwf270 million this financial year. Ends