The recent allegations of collusion between some lawyers and insurance companies or brokers to defraud road accident victims are deeply concerning. According to testimonies from different victims, such underhand methods have led them receive so little that they were meant to receive, which affects them in many ways, including depriving them of the means to get the deserving medical attention. Such unethical behavior not only undermines the trust of the public in the insurance industry but also perpetuates injustice. Insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides security and peace of mind. However, when unscrupulous individuals exploit the system for personal gain, it erodes the very foundation of trust that underpins the industry. As of October this year, insurance penetration in Rwanda stood at 2.1 per cent, which is way lower than the global average of 7 per cent and everything must be done to ensure more Rwandans join, a key catalyst for economic development. Victims of accidents, who are often vulnerable and in need of support, should not be subjected to further hardship and exploitation. To address this issue, it is imperative that the Association of Insurers of Rwanda, the Rwanda Bar Association, and the National Bank of Rwanda which is the industry regulator, work together to ensure ethical practices are upheld across board. The first step is that the bar, which has oversight over legal practitioners has admitted to the existence of such disingenuous characters within their ranks. Let the insurers also step up. Stricter regulations, transparent procedures, and robust oversight mechanisms must be implemented to prevent such abuses. Furthermore, it is essential to raise awareness about consumer rights and provide victims with information on how to seek legal redress. By empowering individuals to protect their interests, we can discourage unethical behavior and create a more equitable insurance landscape. The insurance industry has a vital role to play in the economic and social development of our nation. By upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, we can build a stronger, more resilient, and trustworthy sector.