Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a young woman and a staunch Christian. I had a man who befriended me and he secretly declared his love for me. I never doubted his love because he was a very good Christian and a member of our church choir. One thing led to the other and I found myself pregnant. I have tried to hide my pregnancy from everyone but it has started showing and members of my church have started tongue wagging. The only problem is that the man responsible is denying responsibility. What do I do? I feel let down by a person I had given my heart to and who pretended to be a Christian.Zabibu Dear Zabibu, No need to cry over spilt milk now, what has happened has happened we cannot take back the hand of time. The biggest problem that you are faced with right now is getting your man friend to accept responsibility of the pregnancy. Try to talk to your man friend about the situation and how embarrassing it might be to both of you if you involved your family members and church elders and laid the cards on the table. If push comes to shove, take the matter to court. There are laws protecting women and children, but whatever happens, do not force your man friend to marry you. If you force marriage down his throat then you are bound to live a very unhappy life. Ends