The film industry has influenced many youth today. This is easily seen in their lifestyles as they copy characters in movies. Claude Kazimbaya, 19, a S.5 student at St Patrick Secondary School, says he relates the movies he watches to real life situations. “I like watching love stories because I always want to find out how they relate to our daily lives,” he said. Kazimbaya is aware that some of these movies have content that is not morally proper. He advises others not to watch X-rated movies. Madine Iradukunda, 15, in S.1is more selective and loves watching comedies. “I watch comedies because they have funny jokes and make me laugh. If I find out the movie is bad, I will not watch it,” she said. Some of her favorite movie characters include comedians like Mr. Bean and Jim Carry. Her best friend, Raissa Gwiza, S.5, says that the comedies have had a visible impact on her friend’s life. Gwiza explains that, “comedies have made her funny because she makes everyone laugh, even when you are sad.” For Gwiza watching series like ‘Marina’ have shaped how she relates with boys. “Series talk about life in general. Movies teach about love, hatred and how to solve problems. If a boy asks to have a relationship, I can know if he is lying or telling the truth,” she said. The two girls have witnessed fights in class started by disagreements over movie plots. Dieudonme Uwase, a teacher at the school says that watching movies is not wrong but students should put studies first and also find time for sports. Ends