The Children’s Times passes its best wishes to all primary pupils who are sitting for their national exams today. This is a moment every one of you has been waiting for, a day that has been causing many sleepless nights and long hours revising. Dear candidates, most especially those who have panic and fear in their heart, do not worry. Panic will just make the test harder; know that you have studied hard, be proud of your hard work and do your best. As long as you know you have given your very best effort, you can only be proud of yourself! It is always good to build up your confidence before you enter an exam. Avoid the voices within you that discourage you. Helping children to gain confidence is not the work of teachers only. Parents should play their role and talk to their children positively about their education. Children need to hear encouraging words from their parents. Child who are supported by their parents are more likely to perform well that those who have no support. This is the best time to tell children that you are proud of them and they can make it. Let us all together stand with the candidates. Best wishes from the Children’s Times team. Ends