Kagame comes down hard on RPF leaders

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, Saturday, castigated members of his ruling party, the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) who, instead of setting a good example, were instead at the forefront of scandals that were bringing shame and derailing development programmes. Kagame said this during a meeting of the RPF’s Political Bureau which was held in Kigali and attended by over 800 members from all corners of the country. He said that some senior RPF officials in government felt they were above the law and abused their offices to line their own pockets and then fellow party members shield instead of denouncing them.
President Kagame shares a point with the secretary General of RPF, Francois Ngarambe. (PPU photo).
President Kagame shares a point with the secretary General of RPF, Francois Ngarambe. (PPU photo).
Kennedy Ndahiro