Work responsibility is when an employee completes their entire job duties stated within the job description and adheres to company policy and procedures professionally and to the best of their ability, according to the glassdoor website. At work, if one fulfils their duties, it shows how ethical they are and their employers will end up appreciating their work because they are responsible. Apart from this, it shows that one is a responsible employee as well as demonstrates professionalism which speaks a lot about their work ethic. Being responsible means you understand your job responsibilities and you take pride in your work. Importance Dr Opiyo Andala, the dean, School of Education at Mount Kenya University says when an employee is responsible at work; they tend to establish themselves as a valuable worker and a dependable co-worker. When it comes to work responsibility, he says it all goes down to one’s daily actions at work, their behaviour at special work-related events, and how they treat other employees. Andala points out that responsibility is important in the workplace because it shows one’s professionalism and most importantly can advance one’s career. In addition to this, he says it also helps build professional bonds with co-workers and shows company leadership that one is a valuable employee. “Any employer will always value employees who exhibit responsibility because they can count on them to complete any task assigned to them,” he says. Marie-Anne Ingabire, an entrepreneur in the fashion industry says being responsible for what you are doing speaks volume about yourself. She says apart from just demonstrating your ethics, being someone who is responsible with what they are doing shows how one values their work. “This will help those around you see you as a dependable and self-reliant person, thus it’s easier for any employer to trust you in all the assignments given,” she says. On the other hand, Ingabire notes that when one is responsible with what they are doing, it means they are putting in all the effort to ensure they deliver good work. This, she says, can help one secure a better position, either at their current job or somewhere else because any employer would love to retain or employ someone who can bring a huge impact on their organisation or company. Andala says that by being responsible, it shows how accountable one is in their work. This means that one is able to admit and accept the consequences of their actions, whether they are good or bad. “This is one way of being honest or simply admitting mistakes and taking actions to work on them, something that is valuable to any employer. If you are accountable, it means you learn from your mistakes and become better because of them. This shows how confident one could be in what they are doing,” he adds. Honesty and trust go hand in hand. Ingabire says it also creates understanding between employers and employees, thus helps to develop trust in the workplace. “Establish trust with colleagues by recognising their contributions, working together to reach a goal, sharing ideas to improve workplace success, and showing a genuine interest in them and their personal lives,” she adds.