A part from just fruits and vegetables, health experts urge that people should as well consider adding other different varieties of plant-based foods in their diets for the overall health benefits. These could include, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and legumes among other local foods that can be easily accessed from the local markets. Importance David Rukerabigwi, a dietician and nutritionist in Kigali says plants are high in fiber, which is present in all unprocessed plant foods. This he says is what makes up the structure of the plant, and if one consumes more fiber, they are able to gain all the health benefits needed for their body to function properly. Fiber also helps in lowering cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar and its great for good bowel management. Fiber is very important for reducing ones cancer risk. Among the foods that help in improving and boosting ones immune system, he says are plant-based foods. He says eating a plant-based diet improves the health of the gut, meaning that is able to absorb the nutrients from the food that support the immune system and reduce inflammation. Still, on the immune system, the nutritionist says plant-based foods have essential nutrients that one cannot get from other foods. The vitamins and minerals,phytochemicals and antioxidants in plants also play a big role when it comes to helping to keep the cells healthy and the body in balance for the proper functioning of the immune system, he says. It is evident that a healthy immune system is essential for reducing ones risk for cancer. Edward Bimenyimana, a nutritionist consultant says that plant food when consumed regularly helps in reducing inflammation. He says that it has been established that the nutrients found in plant-based foods help resolve inflammation in the body. He further notes that when one wants to reduce or do away with inflammation, one of the best ways to ensure this is by including more plant-based foods in their diet. He further notes that health effects that come along with prolonged inflammation include damaging the body’s cells and tissue and has been linked to cancer and other inflammatory diseases like arthritis. When you take in plant-based foods, it has been shown to protect one as they remove some of the triggers to these diseases, he says. For those struggling with their weight, Bimenyimana says switching to a plant-based diet can work wonders. A plant-based diet helps maintain a healthy weight, and that staying at a healthy weight is one of the most important things one can do to reduce the risk of being obese as well as keep you off from getting cancer. He further explains that it has been shown that excess weight causes inflammation and hormonal imbalance. If one is overweight or obese, their risk is higher for different types of cancers including, colorectal post-menopausal breast, kidney, and pancreatic cancers among others. If one focuses on a plant-based diet and does away with the foods that lead to weight gain, they can improve their wellbeing in general, he says. A plant-based diet also has been shown to reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some mental health illnesses.”