The 15th commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi: Part Six

RPF/A ushers fundamental changes When the genocide grew to its heights, peace talks in Arusha virtually flopped, Rwanda Patriotic Front/Army (RPF/A) had no choice but to fight genociders tooth and nail. As the genocidaires continued with their human slaughter, blood was flowing all over Rwanda and the so-called thousand hills, littered with dead bodies. In fact, one did not need to watch television to see the dead bodies, as a mere flow of the ‘tributaries’ of the Nile and Lake Victoria told the story.
Major General Patrick Nyamvumba addresses troops  of the 35th Bn upon their return from Darfur. The are the same forces that stopped the genocide.
Major General Patrick Nyamvumba addresses troops of the 35th Bn upon their return from Darfur. The are the same forces that stopped the genocide.
Stephen Rwembeho