Editor,I’m a keen football fan and have been so for a few years now. However, in all the time I’ve been watching football has a coach publicly ridicule his own players. While it might be reverse psychology, I doubt whether Amavubi Head coach, Branko Tucak, has really though his statements in the media through. Most coaches in the world attempt to hype up their players and give them ego boosts. So, I’m rather surprised that he’s going on and on about the form, or lack of it, of his professional players. Hamad Ndikumana, Boubakar Saddou, the team captain Olivier Karekezi, Bobo Bola, Saidi Abedi, Henry Munyaneza and Jimmy Mulisa have done well in the national colours and we must give them a chance. In fact, I think the coach’s putting the players down is going to give the Algerian team, which is already in Kigali preparing, a boost. I mean, if the coach isn’t giving us a chance, then why should the Algerians fear us? Kacyiru